Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Producers Consumers Herbivores Omnivores Carnivores

Hello Everybody Welcome my name is Neha!
Today We are learning about producers,consumers,herbivores,omnivores,carnivores.

PRODUCERS:Producers get there energy from the sun and they produce their own food cool right!Here is an Examples.

CONSUMERS:Consumers get their energy by eating and the don't produce their own food.
Well then here is an Example.

HERBIVORES:Herbivores eat plants and they get their energy by eating too and they don't produce food here is an example.

OMNIVORES:Omnivores eat both plants and meat and don't produce food and get their energy by eating here's an example.

CARNIVORES:Carnivores eat only meat and nothing can eat that and it gets energy by eating and cant produce food here's and example

As you can see nothing can produce food except herbivores!

You have now learned completely about producers,consumers,herbivores,omnivores,carnivores.

Have a nice day and learn well!!!!!
THIS IS A PICTURE I WILL SHOW YOU AS A BONUS TREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!